Sunday, 14 March 2010

Marvellous mural...

Or something...
Very pleased with this one. I'm glad to report that Joshua's a big fan of Charlie and Lola. Glad for two reasons. One, it's a fantastic programme, and I thoroughly approve of it (more than can be said for Waybuloo!). The other is that it's fantastically easy to paint onto a bedroom wall!
When Joshua wandered into his room as I was painting it, and saw it for the first time, he grinned broadly and said, "Charlie and Lola". (I'm glad he recognised them!) I was chuffed that he hadn't come in and burst into tears or anything, because that would have been somewhat annoying!
Very satisfying, and only took a couple (maybe three...) hours to do. The black outline was pretty time-consuming.

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

A new home.

Ok, so it's not exactly huge, but it's still home (with a bit of luck, anyway...) for a couple just starting out :)

As usual, it was a joint operation involving me and Joshua. It's SO easy to make though. You just need a plank of wood and you chop it up. Roughly speaking, it's a long bit for the back (bearing in mind you'll be using this to attach it to the tree or whatever, so it's gotta be longer than the box itself) then a front with a 1 1/2 inch hole drilled into it, a base, the two sides cut at an angle, and the roof, which is from the same plank, just mounted sideways. In terms of dimensions, you just need to make sure it all fits together using your chosen sizes. As you can see from the pic (if you click on it it's bigger) the front and back are 'inside' the sides, which means the roof fits. If you screwed it together the other way, the roof would be too narrow, and the birdies would get wet.

We painted it blue coz that's the only colour we've got in at the moment! I'm sure the birds won't mind. There are plans for more bird-related stuff in the pipeline.

And while I'm on 'things made outside', here's a picture of our creation from a couple of weeks back:

I'm particularly pleased with the hat and the goatee :)

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Ooh ooh ooh.

I've just remember I haven't blogged about the thing I was meaning to blog about on this... So I'll try to remember to take some photos tomorrow (Joshua and I put it up on Sunday afternoon, and someone commented on it today!)