Big Boy has now got his own room. The hope was that this would mean everyone got more sleep. On the plus side, Big Boy does seem to be sleeping better. Little Boy, on the other hand, is still waking up at weird times of night. But I digress - back to the room.
Some time ago, we painted Charlie and Lola on the wall of his 'old' room (now with Little Boy as its sole occupant). Charlie and Lola was fairly straightforward - they're basically coloured-in line drawings.
This time, however, Big Boy wanted Winnie the Pooh. Winnie the Pooh is more painting than drawing, so this worried me a little, but we did it nonetheless.
Here's what we used:
A Winnie the Pooh book.
A scanner
An acetate (remember them?) and a printer
Some chalk
A whole bunch of paint tester pots
Some paint brushes
We scanned in the picture he wanted from Winnie the Pooh and printed it onto an acetate.
We projected this onto the wall and draw the outlines with chalk.
We painted the outlines black.
We coloured in and added some shading.
And finally, a sort of background (vaguely similar to the one in the book)
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
1 week ago