Pirate cake.
Simple enough. We did a pirate ship a couple of years back, and this was actually a darn sight easier. Basic victoria sponge (6,6,6,3 if you're wondering about the size)
Bit of pink royal icing (beaten egg white, 350g icing sugar, tiny bit of red colouring)
Cover cake with pink icing.
Make red icing (not royal - the chickens didn't lay enough). Sadly, Dr Oetker's red food colouring, when used in any quantity, makes the icing taste absolutely revolting.
Slap on red icing in one corner (I know, it's a circle - it's an arc then, not a corner)
Then it should look like this.
Make up some black icing (thankfully, the black colouring didn't have the same taste outcome as the red!)
Put it on the cake in likely places (you'll see from the above pic that I poked the cake to get an idea of where the icing was going...)
Eventually, your cake will look like this:
All in a day's work.
I ignored the suggestion about including a parrot...
Big Boy was happy with it, which was the main idea really!
Welcome Spring Without the Bins
1 week ago
Looks fantastic Nick!