Tuesday 19 January 2010

Get on your knees.

There are a couple of things from recent days to blog about, but I'll space them out, so it doesn't look like I just have creative phases ... (Not that they're particularly 'creative' as such, as they both followed instructions. Creating, yes, creative, not really!)
The first one is something I've been meaning to make for ages (years?). I only finally got around to going and getting the wood for it last week. It's a prayer stool :)
If you're wondering why it's on the bed, it's because, being pine, it didn't show up very well against the beige carpet!

Ingredients: (enough to serve 1 person at a time)
Plank of wood (smooth planed, unless you want splinters in your bum) 6 inches wide, about 32 long.  Choose a thickness of plank that you think will bear your weight...
Batten (square, 1/2 inch, about 12 inches long)
8 screws (I used reasonably lightweight 1inch ones - obviously if they're much longer they'll stick out the other side)
4 nails.
Wood glue.
Screwdriver (I confess I used the power tool rather than my fair hands)
Three-year-old son to help (optional)

Cut an 18 inch length off the wood. (This will be the 'seat' bit)
For the legs, I cut them 7 1/4 at the back and 6 1/2 at the front. (I'm sure you can work it out for yourself, but measure 6 1/2 inches then 7 1/4 on one edge of the face, and on the other edge measure 7 1/4 then 6 1/2. You'll have a sloping cut that creates two identical bits of wood) The precise lengths you'll want depends a bit on your shape - shorter/taller people may wish to vary, but I would have thought this would work for most. Mum's prayer stool, from which I stole the measurements (it's ok, I helped her make it years ago) is 6 1/2 and 7 inches.
At this point, my three-year-old helper (a.k.a 'Big Boy') went inside to watch telly. I sanded down some of the corners, so it's got a smoother finish, but that's pretty optional. I actually went in to sit with Big Boy whilst sanding, but got a very clear, "I can't hear the telly properly", so I left again.
You then need to construct it - I nailed the top into the legs before screwing, and applied wood glue at this point - I didn't use any in the battens.. (It's probably obvious, but make sure you have the legs the right way up (If it's not obvious, you want the right-angled edge to be on the floor, and the sloping edge to be at the top!!))
I then cut the batten at a slight angle, so that it follows the line of the legs, rather than sticking out at a jaunty angle).
Screw the battens into the top and legs.

If you want to, you could of course paint/varnish it. (Or carve your name and postcode in it, so if it's nicked it can find its way home). I think I'd do this to all the bits of wood before putting it together.

One last thing...



  1. Nick will you leave it as is or varnish/paint? And do you have a particular spot in mind for it to live. I'm just nosey.

  2. Classy sewing machine! I had no idea you had THREE blogs Nick!!!

  3. Uh ... I'll be using it mainly in my music room, which is sometimes referred to as the sanctuary. It's a bit of a confused-identity room. Yes, it is a somewhat large house... But to be fair the last people just used the room as a store cupboard and as soon as I saw it, I was like, 'no way am I using that as a store ... it's mine ... all mine'. I haven't decided about whether I'll do anything else to the prayer stool. I almost certainly won't paint it, as I'm into wood (unless it's a wash, I guess) but at the moment I'm gonna leave it and see what I think. I can always varnish it later, but unvarnishing it is harder.

    And Sophie, I'm getting pretty prolific, aren't I :) The sewing machine's great too! Will make some cushions in the next week or two I think. Well ... cushions covers, anyway!
